Advice from Personal Trainers

Every January, gyms all over the world are flooded with people trying to make themselves healthier. Every February, this number drops significantly. Whether you are a regular gym-goer or just someone who visits the establishment once a week, you may have noticed personal trainers. Besides telling you what exercise to do to achieve a certain result, they also have a few pearls of wisdom for you.

It’s Important to Start

Don’t treat your exercise as a boring routine. Every day when you go to the gym and work out to get to a better you, you already win. It is very easy to lose motivation and stay home. This does not mean that you should go to the gym or exercise every day – this is something that depends on the body you are trying to achieve, as well as your time.

Don’t Compare Yourself to Fit People

This is a tough one, as we can’t help but compare ourselves to others. Sometimes, when you are deadlifting forty kilos, otherwise known as your personal best, for now, seeing someone lift, say, 150 can make your heart sink.

The truth is that you are going at your own pace and the body that you want requires hard work. When Hugh Jackman was training for his role as Wolverine, he would often have to get dehydrated for his muscles to look more appealing on the big screen, and that’s only after a ridiculous diet and a crazy exercise program. The bottom line is that the only person you are competing against is your former self.

Do It Right or Don’t Do It

You are not doing the exercise to appease your trainer. They are merely helping you get what you are looking for. Your trainers know when you are doing something half-heartedly and that fools no one but yourself. So, stop cutting corners and face your challenges head-on.

Manage Your Expectations

Your trainer is not a miracle worker. In spite of designing a program for you and knowing a thing or two about fitness and nutrition, they cannot help you lose 10 kilos in a week (nor should they – that’s dangerous). Instead of saying “I want to look like this beefcake/model/actor as soon as possible”, tell your trainer that you want to be stronger, faster, or simply fit.

The road which you are treading on is a long one with many difficulties on the way. You won’t achieve your goal tomorrow, but that makes it even more valuable. Only a true athlete is disciplined enough to persevere and achieve their goal. Whether this is who you are (or plan on becoming) or not is entirely up to you.